Freddy Chandra

1979                Geboren in Jakarta, Indonesien         
1997                Regents’ Stipendium, University of California, Berkeley, Kalifornien
2002                  B.A., Architektur & Angewandte Kunst, University of California, Berkeley, Kalifornien
Eisner Preis für Kunst, University of California, Berkeley, Kalifornien
2003Catherine Morgan Trefethen Fellowship, Mills College, Oakland, Kalifornien
2004M.F.A., Studio Art, Mills College, Oakland, Kalifornien
Herringer Preis for Excellence in Studio Art
2006Kala Art Institute Mitgliedschaft, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, Kalifornien
2007Artist in Residence, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, Kalifornien
2009Artist in Residence, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, Kalifornien
Joan Mitchell Stiftung Painters & Sculptors Grant, New York, NY, USA
2010Nominierung SECA Award, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, Kalifornien

Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)

2014Tuning In, Brian Gross Fine Art, San Francisco
2013Drift Expanse, Walter Maciel Gallery, Los Angeles
2012Surface Tension, Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York
2011New Work, Fabbri C.A., Mailand, Italien
2010In Place of Equivalence, Galerie Bernd A. Lausberg, Düsseldorf
Verge, Walter Maciel Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2009Listening Sequence, Brian Gross Fine Art, San Francisco, CA, USA
2007Fugitive Horizons, Project Space, Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA
Three Minutes from Now, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA, USA
2001Three-Part Installation, Worth Ryder Gallery, UC Berkeley, USA

Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)

2012Surface Tension, Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York
2011White-Hot, Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York
2010Beyond Painting, Lausberg Contemporary, Toronto, Kanada
Identity Based Vertigo, Walter Maciel Gallery, Pacific Design Center, West Hollywood
Inspiration Unlimited, Walter Maciel Gallery, Pacific Design Center, West Hollywood
2009Abstract Re-Generation, Fabbri C.A, Mailand, Italien
Metaphysical Abstraction, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA, USA
2008Pattern reDefined, Walter Maciel Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
From the Headlands, Donna Seager Gallery, San Rafael, CA, USA
The Space Between, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, USA
2007Chain Reaction, Garage Biennale, The Garage, San Francisco, USA
WorkADay, Blankspace Gallery, Oakland, CA, USA
Close Calls: 2007, Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA
2005Emerge, 8th Annual GenArt Exhibition, San Francisco, USA
2004Thesis Exhibition: Counterpoise, Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, CA, USA